Unfortunately, just like every other year, summer went by so fast and school is already around the corner. We all know that it’s not always easy to get back in our regular routine after we’ve been destroying our livers from heavy drinking and lacking sleep due to several Netflix marathons, during the past 3 months. However, we still need to get back on track in order to start the semester on the right foot.
Like me, some of you might be starting your first year in a new institution. Also, you may have moved out to study in a different city or you’re just starting another year at the same old College / University you’ve been at. Depending on your situation and your personality, different things can make you a little nervous such as, making new friends, fitting in, being enrolled in a program that you’re unsure of, or being in a new city on your own.
It’s always normal to feel a little anxious before your first day of school because you’re wondering who you will meet. You start analyzing people, you meet your teachers, you get to know the campus and you look around for familiar faces because somehow, it comforts you. If I can give one advice to freshmen, it would be to not be scared of being the person you’ve always wanted to be. To not be shy and to approach people. I remember when I was in high school, I used to be this timid person, who had a couple of friends and didn’t really talk to anyone. It wasn’t because I was antisocial or that I didn’t like people, it was because I was shy and I wasn’t confident enough. At the time, I would rather stay “incognito” because I was scared people would judge me or wouldn’t like me. Once I entered College, I told myself “That’s it! This is my opportunity to become the social and confident person I always wanted to be.” So, I convinced myself that I could do it. I grew some balls and on the first day of class, I went and sat beside the two girls I thought I’d like to be friends with. Luckily, it was the best decision I’ve made. They were super welcoming and are still my good friends three years later. Meeting people got even easier and more fun. That being said, don’t be afraid of the person you are. You are awesome!
Furthermore, the most important thing I gained from College, other than my degree, was the connections I’ve made there. I learned that it is primordial, especially in my field of studies (Business Administration), to know people. Whether your goal is to become an entrepreneur, to work for a multi million dollar company or whatever you want your career to be, the most beneficial thing you can do is to build yourself a solid network. You never know what you can gain from people you meet. A lot of them will just remain some random people you know, but the few of them who unexpectedly crossed your path, can end up playing major roles in your life. I think you’re smart enough to judge who is a good influence for you and who is not, that’s in your hands. However, keep in mind that it is important to make a good impression when you meet new people and to keep a clean reputation always helps.
To sum it all up, don’t worry about your first day of school, you’ll do great. Be yourself, put a smile on and be welcoming and confident. Meet people and create great relationships. Also, focus on your studies and on yourself. This is the time to discover who you are and what you want to be. I wish all of you a successful semester and good luck!
« And suddenly, you just know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings. »