The secret to a life worth living depends on each one of us. We all have stuff to work on and we all want the best for ourselves. We all dream of the perfect fairy tale life, some spending a lifetime waiting for someone to show up at their front door with a bouquet of red roses, asking them out on a date. We spend a lifetime waiting for an opportunity to arise to be able to escape our boring full time job. Yes, the one that makes you want to snooze your alarm 70 times before getting out of bed in the morning. We spend a lifetime wishing to be skinnier, bigger, faster or stronger instead of making the effort needed to become who we want to be. The human specie is weird let me tell you. It is good at expressing what it wants out of life but sucks at making it happen. Why? The answer is simple: we are born with a lack of drive and motivation. We rather wait for things to come to us instead of chasing them. Why do you think companies create products to ease our lives ? Because we love saving steps. We appreciate using a remote control to change the channels on our TV instead of getting up. We adore having automatic windows in our car and we could never go back to the manual ones that required from us much more effort. We simply don’t like working hard to achieve goals.
The education system and our surroundings tell us to study programs that will pay more and not necessarily something we enjoy because that way we can provide for our families. But, do you see the problem here? The problem is that we live in constant fear of not being good enough, we think that having the highest paying job will be the solution to our sadness. But when reality hits, it hits hard, and that’s when we realize that there’s something missing. And that is, we're not living our dreams, we're not achieving the things we want to achieve because of the social pressure. We settle for an average life, because taking risks is too scary for us. We don’t get out of our comfort zone. We are too scared to be different, we are scared to fail and that’s why we live with the moto: ‘’Oh well, c’est la vie! ‘’. We victimize ourselves. We look at successful people and we think "they were just the lucky ones". Which is not false because some of them were lucky, but most of them actually worked hard to make it in life. A lot of rich people started off collecting pennies on the street. But, the difference between you and them is that they took a risk and they believed in themselves.
We have to stop, we have to put our foot down and start living our dreams, start being different. Really the only way you are going to succeed in your life is if you are HAPPY! You have to do what you want to do, regardless of what society wants you to do. If after reading all of this you’re still waiting for a sign to start focusing on yourself, well THIS IS IT! Stop waiting for next Monday to start working out or making excuses on why you can’t lose that 20 pounds you've been wanting to get rid of for years. Stop saying you can’t travel anywhere because you don’t have the money to get a plane ticket. Stop saying you can’t find your other half because you’re not good enough. Now, it’s the time to make a choice and to decide whether you want to start a new chapter or keep reading the same old one over and over again. Stop with the excuses and start living. Your success is in your hands and you got to take care of it. You’re the only one that’s able to control what happens in your life. You are your own power. Don’t be ashamed to be the person you truly are. People’s opinion shouldn’t matter to you because if you were lucky enough to be born different than everyone else, don’t ruin it by trying to fit in. Know your worth because if you love yourself, you won’t believe the bullsh*t people say about you and it won’t affect you. Build yourself, build your own empire and your state of mind. It’s the best investment you can make on yourself.