An ancient philosopher once said: "If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you're anxious, you are living in the future. If you're at peace, you are living in the present". A couple of sentences that have a lot of meaning.
We tend to overthink about what we could've done or what we could become instead of seizing the present moment. We stress about life instead of enjoying it. We worry about time, instead of making every second worth spending. We create scenarios in our head about how we should've acted at a specific moment or we imagine ourselves 5 years from now. We take our present for granted. We forget to live it to its fullest and that the decisions and actions we make today, will be tomorrow's memories and results.
Take a deep breath and listen to your heart beating, feel the air on your skin, look at what's around you, at where you are now, at who you are today. Be thankful for your life. Be happy about every positive thing that happens. Teach your inner self to appreciate the small things life has to offer and don't worry about what's coming next. Trust your destiny and follow your heart. Make a scar from your past and bury the bad moments so you can finally be at peace and start a new chapter. Make the right decisions now so you won't have to worry about your future. Let it fall into place by itself. Make today count! Live life like there is no tomorrow.