We tend to always see the good in others but, when it comes to us, we become so harsh, rude and judgemental. Why is it that we never see the beautiful qualities we have? Is it because we are scared that people think we’re sort of self-centred or cocky if we are confident? Loving yourself isn’t selfish. It’s actually the best gift you can give to the world. If you are happy with yourself, you are able to spread joy around you. When you love yourself, opportunities start coming your way. Really what I’m trying to say is that you need to love yourself to be able to live a better life. Stop belittling yourself, you are a big deal. You can become a powerful and strong person. To become happy you have to start somewhere; following these steps will help you become that better person.
1. Be kind to yourself
You are a wonderful person full of amazing and unique qualities, so just avoid saying negative things about yourself and see yourself as you would see your best friend. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Also, don’t pressure yourself because you feel like you should be doing better at something or that you are just not good enough.
2. Forgive yourself
Is there anything you might have done in your past that you still regret to this day? If so, just let it go. Move on and leave the past behind. We’ve all done mistakes and no mistake is unforgivable. Do yourself a favour and do whatever it takes to close that chapter and start fresh. Making mistakes is part of growing up, we can’t learn the difference between good and bad without making those mistakes. Making mistakes helps us understand what we really want in life. Do you really want to be that person that always lives in the past? Or do you want to be the smiling person of the future? The best advice I could give you is to bury the things you wish you could erase and to focus on what’s coming next.
3. Compliment Yourself Make a list of all the assets you like about yourself and say it while looking at yourself in the mirror in the morning, when you wake up, and at night before you go to bed. We retain the last 45 minutes before we go to bed, and those minutes are the ones that will replay in your mind. So please do yourself a favor and make those 45 minutes the best you can. Make yourself feel loved and appreciated. At the end of the day, you are going to live with yourself for the rest of your life so you better accept yourself the way you are and be comfortable in your own skin. The way you treat yourself is the way others will treat you. If you offer respect and dignity so will others.
4. Stop Comparing Yourself
With social media being such a big part of our lives now, it’s hard to deny the fact that we compare ourselves to others. We think the grass is always greener on the other side but that’s because we only see what people want us to see. Stop wasting time trying to be a copy of someone else. We need you as you are. The only person you should be competing with is the person you were yesterday. We all have different lives and we all have different goals. Focus on yourself and let people water their lawns as they want and don’t let it bother you.
5. Care Less About People’s Opinions
We both know that whenever you do something there’s always going to be that person in the background trying to put you down. But you know what? You are stronger than them. Most of the time those people are just jealous of you and wish they had your courage to do the things you do. Don’t be scared to make a fool of yourself and laugh about yourself, I promise it will make you feel good. Get out of your comfort zone and show the world what you’re capable of. The world needs more people like you.
6. Celebrate Yourself
Isn’t it so exciting when you get asked out on a date and you dress up by wearing your nicest clothes and fixing your hair and you end up setting the place on fire because you look smoking hot? Now take yourself on a date. Yes! Just you. Dress up, put your prettiest smile on and take yourself out. You deserve to celebrate yourself. You might think it will be weird going out on your own but, actually, it isn’t. Learn to treat yourself. You don’t need to be dating to have a good time. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet awesome people that will be attracted by your confidence and positivity and maybe opportunities will come your way.
7. Do Things for Yourself
How long has it been since you’ve done something for yourself? Since you’ve got yourself a nice massage? Since you’ve done something to benefit your own soul? I bet it’s been a while. Most of the time, it feels like we do so much for the people we love and we end up neglecting ourselves a little. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not telling you to stop caring for others, but I’m telling you to put yourself a little bit higher on your priority list. Convince yourself that you are the most important thing on this earth and that if you do not take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of your loved ones. I want you to create yourself a vision board, where you can set yourself goals, and show off the things you do best.
" When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you."