Having started the “9 to 5 daily routine” almost a year ago now, I’ve realized that the “normal” adult life might not be really suited for me. Having to wake up early every morning to go to work for 8 hours and then come back home to just complete my house chores literally sounds like country music to me … I CAN’T STAND IT! (No offense to those who enjoy it.) Sometimes, taking a break from reality to experience the beauty of life and forget about all your responsibilities can be the cure your soul needs to revive itself. Here are 5 good reasons that will convince you to book a plane ticket on the spot and go on THE adventure of your lifetime.

1. Making memories
Making memories is probably the best thing you can invest in if you ask for my opinion. Some people rather spend money on material things like shoes or watches but I’d rather spend my money on activities that I will be able to remember for the rest of my life (unless I eventually get Alzheimer, but that’s not the case for now…thankfully). I think the life experiences we go through are what make us ourselves. They build us into wiser and stronger people. Also, I think creating memories is important because it makes you feel like you are truly living the present. Then, it somehow fulfills your heart and makes you feel happy and nostalgic when you think about a specific moment you enjoyed in the past.
2. Discovering the beauty of our planet
Another good reason to travel is to discover the beauty of our planet. The Earth has so much to offer that it would be a waste to just sit on our couch and watch it through a Discovery Channel documentary while digging into a bag of Cheetos. From mountains to rivers, from oceans to sunsets, so many things you’ll see from your own eyes will take your breath away. Sometimes, we get so used to our small little towns that we forget that a couple of miles away, the world looks completely different. So DO IT! Book that flight to Iceland to finally see the amazing aurora borealis. Book that flight to South Africa to discover their rich and diversified fauna and flora. What is stopping you? If money is the problem, here’s another blog post I wrote that will give you some tips on how to save some money.

3. Creating yourself
Traveling will make you experience feelings and things that will help you discover and create yourself on a deeper level. You’ll learn to trust yourself and to be more confident. Let’s be honest, flying to a country you’re not familiar with and walking in a city where you don’t speak the language takes a lot of courage and is a little scary. However, what is awesome about being in a place where no one knows you is that you get to be whoever you want to be. You get to do things you might never have done if you stayed at home. Creating yourself simply means that you have total control on who you want to be as a person and I think traveling will definitely bring you closer to finding what you want for yourself. As one of my favorite sayings explains, ''traveling is the only thing you buy that will make you richer.''
4. Discovering new cultures
Discovering new cultures is without a doubt one of the most enriching experiences you’ll live. You'll eat new food, you'll learn new languages, you’ll meet new people. You’ll also notice that some communities don’t think the same way you do and don’t have the same beliefs as you. I think it is such an amazing experience to be able to exchange with people who live different realities than the ones we live here in North America. To be open minded and curious about the world’s diversity is something I personally admire. After all, we’re all humans and I think it is fascinating that each part of the world is completely unique.
5. Enjoying life for a moment
One of my favorite aspects about traveling is that you get to disconnect from your reality and take some time for yourself. You forget about work for a moment and all the stress your daily life might bring you. You go for a nice walk on the beach, you bike around the city, you enjoy every breath you’re taking. You also get to build stronger relationships with your lover, your friends, your family or whoever you went with on vacation. Then, you start dreaming about where you’ll be going next and about all the adventures you want to do. Traveling will remind you that life is actually worth living and that you’re not just a robot in our society who is meant to pay bills and die.
Now what are you waiting for ? Throw a dart on a map and fly away my friend. It's officially time to take a break from your "9 to 5" routine to enjoy yourself !